What does a debt collection service do? A debt collection service is a company that specializes in collecting delinquent debts from individuals or businesses on behalf of the original creditor or on its own. Debt collectors are subject to federal and state laws that dictate what they are allowed to do and not do. Here are some key points about what debt collection services do: Collecting Delinquent Debts : Debt collection agencies work to recover debts that have become past due and have not been paid by the debtor. They use various methods to contact the debtor and attempt to collect the outstanding amount. Contacting Debtors : Debt collectors may contact debtors through phone calls, letters, or emails to inform them about the outstanding debt and request payment. They may also visit the debtor’s residence or place of work, although there are restrictions on when and where they can contact debtors. Negotiating Payment Plans : Debt collection services may work with debtors to establ